Gurdaspur (Punjab), August 11: Indian Air Force on Wednesday initiated an inquiry after a drone crashed in Gurdaspur’s Malogil village on Tuesday due to a technical snag. The officials are figuring out the cause which led to such an incident.
“A remotely piloted vehicle of the Indian Air Force developed a technical snag while flying in Gurdaspur district of Punjab and carried out a precautionary landing. An inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause,” said IAF.
Earlier on Tuesday, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh met Union Home Minister Amit Shah to seek 25 companies of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and anti-drone gadgets for Border Security Force (BSF) for protection from Pakistan-backed terror forces.
This information pours in after a high alert was sounded in Punjab on Monday after police recovered a tiffin box fabricated into an improvised explosive device (IED) from a village in Amritsar, which they suspect was part of a consignment dropped by a drone from Pakistan. (Agencies)