J&K | LG Manoj Sinha inaugurated Tulip Garden at Sanasar, the first such park for Jammu Division. The Garden spread over 40 Kanals with 2.75 Lakh Tulip Bulbs of 25 different varieties, situated amid lush green woods in Ramban district will provide major impetus to tourism & trade activities.


As a “Tourism Mission” initiative 75 new destinations, 75 Sufi/religious sites, 75 new cultural, heritage sites and 75 new tracks are being developed in J&K UT to open up new economic avenues for fulfilling the aspirations of the people.

Development of water parks at twin cities of Jammu & Srinagar, establishment of cultural centres at Ramban, Udhampur, Kathua, Jammu, Rajouri & Poonch will help in building local capacities, boost employment & favourable climate to entrepreneurship.