LG Manoj Sinha unveiled Rs.34,829 cr potential linked credit plan of #NABARD for J&K UT to meet the aspirations of our rural population, bridge the gaps in rural infrastructure & strengthen co-operative credit systems to transform agricultural economy.


Our next big growth story is rural J&K and we must ensure that rural economy actively participates in this growth process.We need inter-sectoral coordination to improve infrastructure,empowerment of women & employment generation & #NABARD has vital role to play in this endeavour.

Agri & allied sector sustains over 70% of our population. NABARD & J&K’s Agriculture Department have jointly planned a development package of Rs 25,991 crore.

This will improve agricultural inputs, farmers’ income through easy availability of credit, technical up-gradation of agriculture and entire agri & horticulture production chain: LG Sinha