JAMMU, MAY 22: The veteran social activist and founder president of Social Reforms and Charitable Organisation, Kishtwar, Sanjeev Parihar has been conferred with Life Time Achievement Award on the eve of 250th birth anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy by Ananay Institute of Development Research and Social Action Lucknow (UP) and International Institute for Special Education sponsored by Ministry of Cultural Government of India at Lucknow (UP) on Saturday.

Parihar is known for his service to orphans, destitute and downtrodden persons, besides he has multiple achievements in his cap such as running of Ashiana (Pallash) at Kishtwar, Family Counseling Centre for Women at Kishtwar, Free Vocational Training Centers etc.
The Award was presented to him by chief guest Pawan Singh Chauhan MLC and Chairman S.R Group of Education Institutions, Lucknow , Dr.A.K. Singh Director Ananya Institute, Dr. RVP Singh , Deputy Advisot Niti Aayog Government of India , Firdous Siddiqui CMD , IISE Lucknow , and Prof. A.R. Dubey Ex. Vice Chancellor , Lingya University.