J&K | LG Manoj Sinha inaugurated special governance camp at RS Pura for West Pakistani Refugee families. It aims to resolve grievances, verification of pending cases, awareness about various welfare & self employment schemes & placement drive with focus on eligible candidates from displaced families.


Article 370 & 35A had denied political rights & other benefits to WPR families & prevented their scope of progression and upward mobility. Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji provided them the rights enjoyed by other citizens of the country & they are no longer treated as refugees.

The Govt is working with dedication & commitment to realise the dreams of the community. It is a fresh dawn, which offers the people limitless possibilities and a new hope to the youth. We will ensure they become architects of J&K’s strong and prosperous tomorrow.

Governance camp will act as an institutional structure to effectively resolve all the pending cases within a time frame & mitigate the problems of farmers. Our thrust will be on measures for economic & social development, social justice & equality.