National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a charge sheet against two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in Udhampur IED blast cases by the outfit through their Pakistan-based handlers


Mohd Aslam Sheikh alias Adil and Mohd Amin Bhat alias Abu Khubaib alias Pinna have been charged for their attempts towards revival of terrorist activities in Jammu by carrying out recruitments from the pool of Over Ground Workers and surrendered terrorists and activating a d motivating them to carry out terrorist acts

The NIA, which had taken over the investigations into the case on November 15, 2022 from Jammu and Kashmir Police, says that Sheikh was in touch with Mohd Amin Bhat alis Abu Khubaib alias Pinna, an ‘individual terrorist’ of the LeT listed by Government of India, who was now operating from Pakistan. Pinna recruited Adil to carry out the two IED blasts on buses parked in the public areas of Udhampur District of J&K, which had inflicted injuries to two persons: NIA