J&K | LG Manoj Sinha inaugurated LG’s Special Governance Camp for Displaced Persons of PoJK. The drive to take the welfare schemes to every house to ensure coverage of all beneficiaries under CSS/UT Schemes will be held at Udhampur, Rajouri, Jammu, Poonch & Kathua.


J&K Govt will construct Smriti Bhawan in the memory of martyrs of PoJK. Steps will be taken to regularize the colonies of displaced families. It is our responsibility to secure their rights & build an enabling environment to fulfill aspirations of youth.

We had started outreach programmes in 2021 for families living outside UT so that no one is left behind in any welfare scheme & focusing on skilling, self employment, social assistance, financial inclusion to aid economic development & financial stability.

The development of new J&K is incomplete without integration of PoJK Displaced Persons in the mainstream development. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and well-being of all so they can realize their true potential & contribute in nation building.