Delimitation Report Balanced, Reaction of Kashmir Centric Parties on Expected Lines: BJP leader Brig Anil Gupta


JAMMU, MAY 6: While complimenting the Delimitation Commission for presenting a fairly balanced and objective report, J&K BJP spokesperson Brig. Anil Gupta (Retd.),  on Friday condemned the reaction of Kashmir centric parties including Congress by terming it as “on expected lines”. 

Their objection to the report is just meant to provoke and mislead the people as no Constitutional provision exists for rejecting the same, he said. By resorting to such blatant disregard to the sanctity of the Commission, Gupkar Alliance leaders have not only shown disrespect to the constitutionally mandated body but have also raised a question mark on its integrity and intellect, he added.

By blaming the Delimitation Commission for carrying forward BJP agenda, the opposition leaders are resorting to cheap blame game tarnishing the impartial role of the commission, he said. As far as gerrymandering is concerned, it is pitiable that the party (National Conference) that introduced gerrymandering in the state for its political interest and had mastered the art for same is now blaming the most objective, transparent and scientific report of the Delimitation Commission, the BJP leader said.

It is like “The Pot Calling the Cattle Black”, he said, adding the report infact has disempowered the leaders of Gupkaar Alliance who can clearly visualise their political future and are hence crying foul. It in no way has disempowered the people of Jammu and Kashmir as blamed by some of the Gupkaar Alliance Leaders, he added.

Reacting sharply to the statement of Mehbooba Mufti that BJP is trying to run the country based on its agenda ignoring the constitution of the country, Brig. Gupta (Retd.) retorted “Indian democracy is too strong. No party can run the country with its own agenda. When Congress tried through the slogan India is Indira, the down fall of the party began and today we see where it stands, he said. Similarly, NC and PDP tried to subvert the constitution of India under the cover of 370 and 35A through its separatist and divisive agenda but failed completely. 

Mehbooba should know that there is no use of crying over spilled milk by blaming BJP, the only nationalist party with its motto of Nation First, Brig Guota said. Anything which BJP does is to protect the national interests though it may not be palatable to those who support the Tukde Tukde gang and want this great nation to remain engulfed in riots or communal dividehe said, adding that Mehbooba and her ilk despite criticism of BJP will never succeed in their agenda.

Brig. Gupta (Retd.) further stated that all political parties are answerable to people be it BJP or others. Gupkaar Alliance will have to answer more because of its misdeeds and misguidance of people for decades together. Now that historical wrongs are being corrected, the leaders of Kashmir Centric parties are jumping all over the place, like cat on hot tin roof. The cheer and joy the report has brought on the faces of people of the disempowered regions cannot be tolerated by these self- centred, tunnel visioned politicians and hence all the noises without substance proving right the popular proverb, empty vessels make noises, he added.