Need to develop Scientific Temper in the Youth -Prof Dhar. JU organizes Curtain Raiser of Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate (VP): Festival of Scope for all


Jammu, Feb 21- It is a matter of great honour for the University of Jammu that it has been chosen as the nodal institution of Jammu province for the organization of Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate (VP): Festival of Scope for all.” under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, said Prof Manoj K Dhar, Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu. Prof Dhar said that the science and Technology organizations of our country are committed to ensure that the benefits of Science and Technology and Innovations reach the masses and help the society in circumventing various problems.

In that direction, Vigyan Prasar, Ministry of Science and Technology of Govt. of India in collaboration with Ministry of Culture and office of Principal Scientific Advisor are organizing a week long Pan India Programme called VIGYAN SARVATRE PUJYATE and in addition to displaying India’s Scientific Heritage and Prowess, the programme will showcase the scientific and innovative solution being offered in the Field of Defence , Space, Agriculture, Health, Astronomy, Environment, etc said

Vice-Chancellor while addressing the media fraternity. Citing the example of Covid-19, which brought the world to a standstill but with the enormous efforts of Scientists particularly of o our country, we were able to produce vaccines in the shortest possible time.

It is also the event to chalk out the future course of the action with regard to Scientific Research and highlight the targets which India is setting for itself for the next 25 years. For the programme in University of Jammu various Committees have been constituted to ensure that each and every component of the festival is attended to with precision and maximum benefit goes to the students who are the future scientists of this great nation.

Vice-Chancellor said that the festival is being celebrated at 75 different locations of the country, besides the main program happening at New Delhi in a hybrid mode with a focus on four major themes: Milestones of Modern Indian Science and Technology, Swadeshi Paramparik Inventions and Innovations, Science and Technology for next 25 years and Competitions for all (under SCoPE).

The inaugural of the glorious function is happening at General Zorawar Singh Auditorium at 1.30 PM on 22nd Feb. and the programme has been designed in such a way that it gets linked – up in continuity with the Inaugural Function taking place at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from 3:00 PM -5.00 PM. The live streaming of the Inaugural Function being organised at New Delhi shall be live-streamed in General Zorawar Singh Auditorium Complex of the University of Jammu.

Professor Rajni Kant, Director, College Development Council and the Convenor of Vigyan Sarvatre Pujyate programme, while detailing the programme, said that organization of an event of this kind is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it is a privilege that university has been identified for this event, and that this mega event is spread over to seven days. He informed that over 1700 delegates have already been registered on the university portal for this week-long event and a sizable number of students have also given their preference for participation in theme-based competitions as identified by Vigyan Prasar. Books Exhibition has been organized for the benefit of students coming from secondary schools to college and university level, including the research students, from Feb 23-27th on the first floor of Gen Zorawar Singh Auditorium. A state – of –the art Exhibition of Posters has also been arranged in the lawns of the auditorium which shall remain in place from 11:00 – 4:00 PM (Feb. 23rd -27th ).

The proceedings and vote of thanks were conducted by Dr Vinay Thusoo, Incharge Media and Official Spokesperson, University of Jammu. Among others Prof Rajni Dhingra, Dean Research Studies, Prof Seema Langer-Dean Faculty of Life Sciences , Prof Jasbir Singh, Controller of Examinations, Prof Rahul Gupta, Dean Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,  and Er. Anik Gupta, Director, IT were also present on the occasion.