Panchayats to guard black-necked crane nests in Ladakh


LEH, FEBRUARY 1: The Principal Secretary (Forest, Ecology & Environment) UT Ladakh, Pawan Kotwal chaired a meeting to discuss the guarding of black-necked crane nests through Panchayats in Ladakh.

The feral dogs of Ladakh have been attacking the black-necked crane and their eggs. The black-necked crane is held high in regard in Ladakh as it has been recently recognized as the state bird. The Principal Secretary said that the inability to tackle this problem may lead to severe endangering of the bird.

He directed the Director, Rural Development to appoint volunteers to guard the eggs of the black-necked crane. He added that the Panchayat bodies will help in appointing volunteers from their respective localities. The volunteers will be provided proper training to guard the birds and their eggs professionally with care. The guards will be provided incentives every month.

During the meeting, it was decided that the guards will be on duty from April to September and provide regular updates on the survival of eggs and chicks. The Principal Secretary directed Tanuj Nagpal, SECURE Himalaya Project to identify the nesting sites within two days and report to the Director, Rural Development. He further added that the guards should do proper monitoring and the survivability of these chicks should increase in number.

The meeting was attended by Chief Wildlife Warden, UT Ladakh, Preet Pal Singh; Director, Rural Development Department, UT Ladakh, Tahir Hussain and Tanuj Nagpal, SECURE Himalaya Project.