Jammu University only University of UT figuring in World’s Top 2000 Universities


Jammu : The University of Jammu has shown splendid performance at Centre for World Ranking (CWUR), 2021-22 rankings.  University of Jammu occupies 1682 position at the World level and is the only University in the Union Territory of J&K to figure in the World rankings list. From India a total of 68 institutions including 24 Universities figure in the top 2000 Universities list (out of about twenty thousand Universities); University of Jammu is at position 47 among all Institutions while it is at position 13 among the Universities.  Needless to mention JU has consistently improved its world ranking from 1878 during 2019-20, to 1718 during 2020-21 and 1682 in 2021-22. CWUR is a leading consulting organization providing policy advice, strategic insights, and consulting services to governments and universities to improve educational and research outcomes. As per the methodology adopted by CWUR, the University of Jammu has been assessed for the quality of education, alumni employment in top positions, quality of faculty in terms of their achievements/distinctions and research performance which includes research output, high-quality publications, influence and citations.

Since the last two years, despite the disruptions due to Covid pandemic , University of Jammu has made consistent efforts to create an ecosystem for undertaking cutting-edge research in scientific disciplines with an equal thrust on research on social and regional problems in humanities. University has established University Business Incubation & Innovation Centre (UBIIC), Skill Development Centre, Industry-Academia Interface and University of Jammu Special Purpose Vehicle Foundation is helping University to create a platform where students, scholars and faculty are in a position to incubate their ideas. The University has strengthened the course curriculum of each discipline by involving the Experts/professionals from the industry in the Boards of Studies. It is pertinent to mention here that the University of Jammu is one among ten high-performing state universities recognized as Category-I University by MHRD across India, selected for Rs. 100 Crore grant under Rashtriya Uchchaatar Shiksha Abhiyaan (RUSA) to promote excellence in teaching, research and innovation. Besides, the University shall be mentored by some leading Universities of the world such as University of California, Berkeley, USA in various disciplines on specific thematic issues to build an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in University. It is also an achievement for the University of Jammu that so far 9 Professors of the University have been selected in the three weeks’ flagship “Leadership of Academicians Program (LEAP)” envisaged by the Department of Education, Government of India. This is a unique leadership program custom-designed for Indian academicians who have marked their presence in research at the international level. Prof Manoj Kumar Dhar, Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu expressed gratitude to the Hon’ble Chancellor Shri Manoj Sinha ji for his time to time guidance in the matters pertaining to the University. Besides, he expressed sincere thanks to all the members of the University Council, University Syndicate and Academic Council. The Vice-Chancellor also expressed satisfaction over the significant progress made by the University of Jammu by achieving several laurels which also reflects growing presence and outreach besides the University’s impetus on high-quality research, publications and teaching. Prof Dhar further said that achieving a good rank is itself a huge motivation for the University in the present time when the entire world is struggling to contain the cataclysmic  COVID-19. He attributed the ranking judged by CWUR to the consistent efforts of the dedicated faculty, researchers and scholars and the zeal of staff and students of the University. He said that the results of systematic improvement in the curriculum, investment in strengthening of research infrastructure and consistent efforts in improving the functioning of the University during the last few years have started bearing fruits. He said that the  University of Jammu is poised to achieve greater heights of excellence in the times to come.