GMC Jammu fills various posts for COVID-19 management ▪️100 Staff Nurses, 25 Lab Assistants, 10 Medical officers recruited Selection list of 150 being released soon


JAMMU: The Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals, Jammu has recently filled various posts to add more health staff for COVID-19 patient care and management under National Health Mission (NHM) and Academic Arrangement Basis.
As per the Hospital administration, GMC Jammu has recruited 14 Registrar/Demonstrators, 10 Medical Officers, 06 Research Scientists, 100 Staff Nurses, 25 Lab Assistants, 09 Lab Technicians and 10 Data Entry Operators till now.
In addition to this, the recruitment of 150 Staff Nurses, 30 Lab Assistants, 30 Pharmacists, 30 Operation Theatre Technicians, 30 Anaesthesia Technicians, etc. for Emergency COVID Response Package (ECRP) are under process and these posts will be filled within few days.
Principal GMC Jammu, Dr. Shashi Sudhan Sharma said that recruitment drives for various posts are in process and soon all these posts will be filled. She further said that ‘patient care is our primary responsibility. Our staff is working tirelessly despite catching infections in these tough times to provide best care to our patients.’
It is pertinent to mention here that about 20% health care professionals are COVID Positive at a given point of time. All efforts are being made to provide human resources to meet the evolving challenge in a fastrack manner.