LG announces slew of relief measures for those having lost their family members to COVID-19


Pension for life to senior citizens who have lost earning member of family; special scholarship to children having lost parents to COVID-19

Jammu: The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Tuesday decided to provide special pension for life to senior citizens who have lost only earning member of the family, besides special scholarship to children to who have lost their parents to COVID-19 pandemic.

Announcing slew of measures for families having lost their loved ones to COVID-19 pandemic, UT’s Lt Governor Manoj Sinha said that “many of our near and dear ones have left us untimely due to COVID-19. The government has decided to reach out to each and every such family and they will be provided with financial assistance for self employment’’.

He also announced Rs 1,000 to all registered construction workers, ponywalas, palkiwalas and pithuwalas for next two months as the global pandemic has rendered daily workers jobless.

The government has also directed all the concerned officers to ensure supply of ration to all ration card holders on priority, LG said, adding installments of social welfare schemes like old age pension, laadli beti etc., and PMAY, MGNAREGA and other welfare schemes will be released immediately.

In these challenging times, the old age homes, orphanages will be extended all the support from the government including rations etc., he added.

Pointing out that “our biggest priority is to defeat this pandemic,’’ LG urged all “to follow COVID appropriate behavior and get vaccinated’’. “We will soon prevail together over this pandemic,’’ he added.