ACB attach properties of a former supervisor of FCI godown in Udhampur


Jammu: Anti Corruption Bureau on Saturday attached the properties worth crores of rupees belonging to one Rakesh Kumar Pargal, the then Chief Supervisor of the FCI Godown at Udhampur.

Pargal also happened to be former Incharge of the Vigilance Squad in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, official sources said, adding that the ACB action was in addition to it earlier attachment of Dogri Haveli, Udhampur.

The attachments followed a Preliminary Enquiry to verify the facts that Rakesh Kumar Pargal, Chief Supervisor, FCI Godown, CA&PD Udhampur and Incharge Vigilance Squad in Food, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution Department had amassed huge assets worth crores of rupees in the form of immovable/moveable properties disproportionate to his known sources of income. During preliminary enquiry, it was found that official has raised assets several times higher than the genuine income (salary) earned by the official from the service period. 

As it surfaced that Rakesh Kumar Pargal has amassed huge assets worth crores of rupees in his own name and in the name of his family members, an FIR No. 01/2020 was registered at ACB police station Udhampur and searches conducted leading to seizure of 285 gms of gold, incriminating material and documents. Some accounts/lockers were also frozen after being found suspicious.

Rakesh Pargal is also involved in case regarding alleged misappropriation of Rs. 260 crores on account of cost of wheat grains, transportation charges, labour charges, grinding charges drawn on the basis of fictitious and false bills. He was arrested by ACB in this case as well.

It is pertinent to mention here that he was initially appointed as daily wager in September, 1984 in TSO office Chenani and remained posted in AD office Udhampur, Chief Supervisor (FCS&CA) Deptt) FCI Godown Udhampur. He remained under suspension and attached with Directorate Office at Jammu with effect from June 26, 2009 to September 19, 2012 for his alleged involvement in a corruption case which is still under trial in the Court of Special Judge, Anti-Corruption, Udhampur.

After the registration of formal case under Anti-Corruption Law and his suspension from government service, he was posted in Enforcement squad and vigilance squad in CAPD Department, which indicate his deep nexus with other accused officials and private persons. 

During the course of investigation it has been found that the accused Rakesh Kumar Pargal by indulging in corrupt and illegal activities has raised commercial building namely Feeling Farm Banquet Hall worth crores of rupees on land measuring 7 Kanals and 5 marlas on the name of  Amit  Mahajan and Sumit Mahajan, both sons of Kasturi Lal Mahajan  of 51 B/C Gandhi Nagar and one three storey residential building worth crores at Rakh Badali, Devika Vihar Colony Udhampur purchased by Amit  Mahajan and Sumit Mahajan, their mother Veena Mahajan and late Kasturi Lal Mahajan from J&K Cooperative Housing Corporation Ltd Jammu as Benami Properties. 

The Feeling Farm Banquet Hall and Residential Buildings have been attached by Anti Corruption Bureau under Section 8-B of J&K Prevention of Corruption Act. Svt. 2006. Further investigations in both the cases are going on.